Thursday, March 30, 2017

Brown headed barbet

This ridiculous looking bird is keeping the mornings busy with its signature call that goes kuttroo kuttroo kuttroo across the neighborhood although it manages to hide itself so well that one has really, really to persevere in one's efforts to spot it. And as I firmly believe, these arboreal  avians can only be photographed when it allows us to. As you can see, this particular bird seems more curious than shy, rather uncharacteristically! 

Brown headed Barbet in Faridabad, India
All barbets have  bristles above their beaks and that adds to the spectacularity, I must  say. So this one is probably a young adult, and that could also be the reason it wasn't scared at my antics with the camera :))


  1. What a cutie! Your birds always seem to pose for you. Smiles.

  2. What a spectacular spring bird! The colors of the brown-headed barbet perfectly complement the leaves and branches of the tree. What species of tree is it?
    This is another in your series of amazing bird photos, Soumyendu!

    1. Sorry, Rita, can't really say but it is definitely a deciduous softwood.

      Thank you very much for your visit, Rita
