Thursday, July 14, 2016

A day with rain

The much awaited rains are finally here again, after a lot of fits and starts like an old, cranky automobile engine. Finally, the sky hangs low in an uniform grey, rather than blue grey clouds rolling in from one direction with ominously sounding thunder while the other side is lit up brilliantly with the setting sun. And finally, that steady drizzle and the visibly invigorated earth, the freshness seeping in to your heart slowly but surely, so much so that you suddenly seem to have lost your bearings and your direction, sitting and staring at the pitter patter rain with an indescribably sweet pain enveloping you. 

Slowly, the rain stops and the pall lifts as a few birds start venturing out happily calling out to each other. The light improves. Raindrops glisten on the edges of leaves. Cars begin to honk and the world comes to life once again.



  1. Rain is so welcome when one has been waiting for its arrival. I love the scene you have described here.

    1. Those are magic moments, Sherry and many thanks!

  2. This post about rain is timely, as we are awaiting our brief monsoon season here in Utah.
    I love the photos of the raindrop-drenched flowers. Beautiful.
    I agree with Sherry; the scene you've described is exquisite.
    Great post!
